
The CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (CCSMTL) has five university designations including the Institut universitaire Jeunes en difficulté (IUJD). The mission of the IUJD is to develop an innovative clinical scientific culture to serve troubled youth and their families. To do so, it relies on networking between clinicians, managers, scientists, youth and other partners, through its research, teaching, development of cutting-edge practices and knowledge transfer initiatives.

On May 16, 2018, the IUJD held a knowledge transfer activity entitled “Day of Reflection on Trauma” whose objective was to recognize trauma and its consequences and determine some approaches for intervention. This interactive microsite was created based on materials and content from that day and interviews conducted with the speakers.

In 2022, the IUJD added a new section to this microsite. Its purpose is to increase our knowledge of trauma-informed interventions (Part 3).

We wish you an enriching learning experience!

Marie-France Blais, Clémence Pentecôte and Marie-Pierre Joly (Centre d’expertise de l’IUJD) and Christiane Girard (CCSMTL)

Recommended citation: Blais, M.F., Pentecôte, C., Joly, M-P and Girard, C. (2022). Raising awareness of complex trauma [online]. Institut universitaire Jeunes en difficulté.

Microsite content

This site is divided into four parts with the following objectives:

Part 1: Better understanding complex trauma, its causes and effects.

Part 2: Recognizing the principles of trauma-informed intervention and some intervention approaches and tools.

Part 3: Increasing our knowledge of the ARC model.

Part 4: Recognize the ways in which trauma can affect caregivers and determine some guidelines to prevent or overcome these effects.

How to use this microsite

This site can be used individually or in teams. For example, a team leader could decide to use one or more of the parts for a team meeting. Screen content could be read or viewed as a team, questions can be addressed to each attendee and, after a period of reflection or discussion, feedback could be read or viewed and then discussed as a group. Discussions could then continue regarding actual situations experienced by caregivers in connection with the complex trauma of their clients (Parts 1, 2 et 3) or their own trauma (Part 4).

Technical information

To access this microsite, the following is required:

  • A web browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox for Windows; Safari or Firefox for Mac. Note: We have observed a lack of consistency with Internet Explorer.

  • A video and audio player.

  • A PDF reader (e.g., Adobe Reader).

  • Access to the YouTube website.

© Institut universitaire jeunes en difficulté, CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'île-de-Montréal | All rights reserved